Monday, June 19, 2006

just start already. it's not the cure for cancer. it's just a blog. if you attach too much significance to the first post, you'll never do it.

so apparantly this is how it begins. i created this a while ago, but if there's some way to mark the start of a blog, then that mark sits closer to here than there.

we already have which is as close as it gets to an official site for me, ryan chase, mostly concerning what i'm doing musically.

this blog on the other hand, is for blogging. mostly still music stuff, but finally a place to talk about what's going on besides this gig and that mix.

i will make all efforts to avoid drowning in my own ego or crawling up my own ass ... in plain words, i realize that no one but me really cares about most of the random passing thoughts i have, so i'll spare you most of them. not all though. sorry. if it starts to smell like a cow pasture in here, lemme know.



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